Welcome to the [DFF] Clan-SITE

-- --<NEO_X>-- --
Nick (Pino 3000)
Buffalo Soldier
Silent Phoenix

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In the [DFF] Clan we work with Ranks
The higher you are in rank the more power you have
Your ranks represents your skill and time you have been in this clan
The longer you stay or the better you become the higher you rank will become
If you Join the clan you will step in in the lowest rank
If you are higher rank than an other [DFF] clan member you can give him orders
to lead a team or squad but this person can reject the order
whenever he want
The thing we are hoping to achieve with these ranks is to create better teamwork
and thus improve the performance of the Clan

The ranks are from high to low:

{L}: leader

 {CPT}: captain

 {LTN}: lieutenant

 {CMD}: commander

 {SPL}: specialist

 {VTR}: veteran

 {SLD}: soldier

When you are joining the Clan you will put these tags behind you nickname
For example:
[DFF] Player {VTR}